Seminar and Workshop

Seminar and Workshop

Seminar and Workshop
4th BIW, 2019

4th BIW, 2019

First-ever International workshop on satellite named “4th BIRDS INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP” in Bangladesh on Nov’19, involving delegates from 14 countries. I was the workshop secretariat. As a part of this workshop, the 1st Satellite Mission Idea Contest and 1st National Cansat Competition were held.

The 4th session of the BIRDS International Workshop (4BIW) was held from November 25 to 28, 2019, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This annual international event of BIRDS Network is being organized jointly by the Brac University, Bangladesh in cooperation with Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan & Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University, Bangladesh. The BIW has become the most important international and interdisciplinary workshop that aims to create the path for collaboration and enables the sustainability of the BIRDS community in the field of space engineering.


Electronics Systems and PCB Design

Invited as a Speaker by IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society BRACU Student Branch Chapter


Virtual Workshop for Satellite Expedition Contest 2020 Sponsored by AKASH DTH

Invited as a Speaker IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society BRACU Student Branch Chapter


Workshop on Satellite Mission idea Contest

IEEE Brac University Student Branch organized a workshop for the upcoming event 1st National Satellite Mission Idea Contest 2019. I, along with Raihana Shams Islam Antara conducted this workshop on 13th November 2019 from 3:30 pm to 6 pm. There we provided the guidelines for writing the abstract paper and answered all the questions of the contestants regarding the competition.


Session on 'Satellite constellation design' at Space innovation summit

Organized by Bangladesh Innovation Forum at the Independent University of Bangladesh.
Invited as speaker



Conducted the First-Ever CANSAT workshop, jointly organized by Brac onnesha team and the Bangladesh Innovation forum.


'Robotics and Space Technologies' seminar at Jahangirnagar University

Organizer: Bangladesh Robotics Society
Invited as a speaker


Journey towards Space & the Future of Space Research in Bangladesh

UIU (United International University, Dhaka) Career Counseling Center along with UIU Science Forum arranged a seminar titled ‘Journey towards Space & the Future of Space Research in Bangladesh’.


Regional seminar on '5th Mission Idea Contest'

UNISEC-Bangladesh organized the first regional seminar in Bangladesh for the 5th Mission Idea Contest on May 3rd, 2018. Thanks to the Energy Club, Institute of Energy, and the University of Dhaka for their support of this seminar. This seminar was a guide to those who want to apply to the MIC. At the beginning of the seminar. The MIC Co-Ordinator of Bangladesh, Abdulla Hil Kafi explained the MIC objectives, and guidelines and answer questions from interested people during the seminar.


Let's Take Baangladesh Beyond Space Space

IEEE Student Branch DU, IEEE WIE Affinity Group Student Branch DU, and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering organized a seminar on Space Technology and Small Satellites.


BRAC Onnesha: Journey of the First Nano Satellite of Bangladesh

Invited By Robotics Club of BRAC University